Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ohhh... he's a teenager!

Zen has been just about the perfect puppy. He's pretty easy. He really does learn quickly, and he was easy to socialize. I can take him almost anywhere with me.

Then he turned into a teenager.

He is still good, or at least, he really tries, but his energy level seems to have doubled. Rumor says he is no longer a puppy and she would like nothing to do with him at home thank you very much. She has space issues, she will play with him outside on our walks and things, but at home she wants to be left alone. Zen doesn't quite get that yet. So he pesters her, he loves the cat and the cat doesn't love him back. The only one he really doesn't bother is Carrie.

He's doing great in puppy class. With just the minimal work we do there his heeling has improved. I tried to get Harley to take pictures yesterday, but he had somewhere else to be during class time. The instructor brings baby agility equipment and he's done the tunnel, a mini dogwalk and mini teeter. I'm not training anything on them yet, just having him walk over them and get treats. I had him bang the end of the baby teeter a few times before he walked on it. He didn't mind the noise or movement so I figured he would be ok. He was. He can do the tunnel unassisted. At first the instructor held him at the end and I called him through, but now I can just point him towards it and he goes through.

I have his entries for his first show filled out. I'm starting to get excited about it. I need to mail them in this week. Next Friday he will be 6 months old!

I took some pictures of him yesterday. He played with Harley's dogs in the backyard. Harley's neighbor has a cute little pit puppy (about Zen's age) and they were loving each other through the fence.

Anyway, time to get ready for work.

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