Sorry they are so dark. It was raining outside, so even with the blinds open it was still pretty dark in my room.
Next weekend Zen and Rumor get to go with me to Houston. My cousin is graduating from high school and my brother and I are going to go watch. After the ceremony he and I will probably go to my Aunt and Uncle's house to visit a while, but we want to sneak away early for a beach trip. I gave him a couple of spots to look into and we think we found a beach we want to visit.
Zen will get to go for sure, and depending on how hot it is Rumor and Terra may come along too. BJ took T down to Houston with him when he left for college. She keeps him in line and he gives her some good one-on-one belly scratches. Anywho, it will just depend on if I feel like toting the x-pen and stuff to the beach. Rumor is reactive so if there are a ton of people or any other dogs she would need to be kept an eye on 100%. Terra is just old and doesn't hear well anymore so the x-pen would be for her safety. Would allow her to sunbathe without worry of her wandering off.
Carrie won't be coming with me for a couple of reasons. I'm still waiting to get some surgery done on her leg, so I wouldn't want her to overdo it with exercise. The other reason is that she does not like Terra. While they are fully manageable, I'd like to just relax and not worry about it. I'm sure she will be happy at home with a supply of frozen kongs and bully sticks.
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