We actually spent the night at Mike and Brenda's. It was their anniversary so they wanted to go to Shreveport. Zen played super hard with the aussies. He loves them! He liked the little maltese girls who were boarding there, but they weren't so sure of him. He was polite and he didn't trample them with his big ol' feet. :)
He fits into his big boy collar. I bought it before he was ever born. I saw it and it went with his name, so I got it. He can wear it now! Harley said it isn't very manly. It's black with rainbow peace signs on it. Oh well, who cares about manly.
I JUST sent my lens off today. I waited and waited because I thought shipping was going to be like $25 dollars, and I just didn't want to spend it. Well it cost $7.75 to ship with the $100 insurance. Wish I had known that sooner.
I have some random pics taken from my point and shoot, so enjoy.
Frogdog! He did this on his own, but I actually shaped and named this behavior. It's called "frog"
That's the TV remote. In the bathtub. You can tell by the footprints who did this. Zen likes the tub. He will get in there while I shower and just sit and lick the water.
Rumor doing the head twist. She puts herself in the crate sometimes. I was talking to her and she was just twisting her head like she was listening.
Carrie on the bed. This is her spot. She stares at me while I'm on the computer. Ask her why the sheets had to be washed. She thought it would be great to upchuck something gross onto the comforter.
Very cute pics. Happy belated birthday, Rumor!