At least, I think smattering is a word. In my mind it means, a mish-mash, or various grouping of items.
Things are going pretty good. Lately Rumor seems to be stressed. I'm wondering if Zen's hormones are kicking in a bit and she's feeding off that. It could be that I'm not getting much sleep and that puts everyone on edge. I seem to get lots of sleep but it never feels like enough. (By lots I mean usually 6-8 hrs a night) I'm trying to keep the dogs exercise levels up. We have been doing lots of frisbee, which Rumor just loves. The weather has been wacky. Snow and then beautiful sun, then windy and cloudy and FREEZING! The dogs don't seem fazed (phased?) but I hate biting cold wind.
I started running again! Ahh, its relaxing. lol. That sounds weird, but I love being able to clear my mind with a good run. I am only up to a mile, but that's not bad considering I was off for 2 months. I had only worked myself up to about 2.5 miles before I slacked off. My stamina stinks, but it's definitely better than when I very first started running.
I have lots of pictures and video to edit and post here. When will I find the time? I seriously thought about limiting myself to 1hr of computer time a day. I haven't had the guts to follow through yet, but its still being contemplated. I just really need to get back to doing clicker stuff with the other two girls. Not just Zen. Some relaxation stuff and group games wouldn't hurt either. I guess I'm one of those people that likes the idea of sticking to a schedule, but I really have problems with it.
Speaking of, I did clicker sessions tonight with each dog. I'm working on having them lift a rear leg near an object. It looks like a male dog marking something. I need to know what to name it though. Zen is at the point where I could start using the name. Rumor needs a little fine tuning. She's really good in one direction, but in the other she offers a handstand. Carrie is doing well, but not quite ready for a command. I was thinking of naming it "boy" so I could say "Are you a boy?" and they would lift their leg. But I remembered that now, one out of 3 dogs is a "Good Boy". That puts that word out of the running. I don't want to say "Pee" because sometimes I actually use that when they potty. Harley suggested "Fire" like "Put out the fire." Still debating on that one. Any suggestions?
Zen is doing great at puppy daycare! He comes home tired and happy. He's happy to go in the mornings and happy to see me when I come get him. My mom said that's a sign of a good day. lol She bases this on her experience dropping us off at daycare.
Anywho, I am going to bed.