His ears are almost totally up now. Just the tips are bent over a little. In his ears' defense, they really can't stand up yet because they are SO big! It's adorable, Zen and his satellite ears.
Zen and I played with a spoon today. It's a tip from an obedience friend. She puts peanut butter on a spoon and lets the dog lick it off. The idea is to get him used to having metal in his mouth. Some dogs don't like to retrieve the metal article in obedience, and this is an easy way to get them accustomed to the feel of metal. Well, I didn't bait our spoon with peanut butter. I had eaten oatmeal with it earlier, but Zen was keen to play with whatever I offered. Don't know if we will ever compete to that level in obedience, but as I say a lot... "It's one more thing he has experienced."
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