I'm getting behind. A lot has happened over this weekend and I'm really feeling scattered with my thoughts etc. It just feels like everything is moving so fast and slow all at once.
Yesterday I took the dogs to run, then we came home and Harley took pictures of Zen stacked. Finally. I have been wanting to do weekly shots, but time/camera help is short.
After the stacked shots the dogs took turns on the springpole. I made mac and cheese to take to a small dinner get together. Zen came along. It was at Mollie and Dustin's house. They had about 7 or 8 people over and Zen just mingled around with everyone and the other dogs. After that, the guys wanted to go play with the remote control cars. We rode to the college where Zen played fetch and tug with me and also with Will. He chased Dustin's car a bit and gave everyone a good laugh. Then he got to nap in the car while we all went bowling.
Today Zen went to PetSmart. It was adoption day, so there were a ton of people and dogs. He met a couple other puppies and saw plenty of other dogs. He loved on a few kids and really just walked around and got treats. I did make him do a few sits and downs. His sits are lovely. His downs still need work. He isn't catching onto verbal commands like I had hoped. Maybe I'm just not working it hard enough.
He slept in the car while I ate with Jenn, Terry, Deidra, and Luke. Afterwards Jenn needed dog food, so she and I went to Tractor Supply. Zen came in and it was his first time that he walked on his own in there instead of riding in the shopping cart. He was really good. Then I went to Jenn's house and he met 4 shelties and 2 collies. He played with Luke, although he was a little rough. He wasn't meaning to be, but he doesn't understand that toddlers are short because they can't help it, not because it gives puppies easy access to the face. Luke did not like playing tug with the puppy. Luke should own all toys, not Zen. Zen got the zoomies and was really a little wild over there. He is getting more and more energy as the days go by.
Tonight I wanted to work his little brain to exhaustion. He worked on going into the crate on command and laying down until released. I ordered the crate games DVD by Susan Garrett, so I'm hoping to get that next week. I hope it has some good self control games and stuff to work on. He also play "It's yer choice" again, which is basically a "leave it" type game. Then we worked on eye contact. I was holding a treat in my hand and out to my side and would click him for giving eye contact instead of staring at the hand with the treat.
He's sleeping now, so I think all the training worked. I want to get started on massages and having him relax for them. I was never very successful at that with Rumor or Carrie. They will both relax and do it, but it was a long road, and they don't do it in a distracting environment. Maybe if I start with a puppy we can accomplish a little bit more.
Oh, we walked a mile tonight before dinner and all three dogs got their nails dremeled.
My grandfather passed away on Jan 1, so I will be headed to Houston very soon for the funeral. The dogs will be going with me to Houston. It's one more opportunity for Zen to meet more people. While I'm there I may seek out a dog park for Zen to go to. My other two aren't "dog park material", but I think it could be a good experience for Zen.
I think I covered everything, so I will leave you with a picture taken yesterday.

He has such a cute butt.