Zen has been home for 5 days and it's already hard to
remeber what all we have done together.
He is a super laid-back puppy. Content to just chill out and relax. In fact, a couple of people have already told me he isn't a normal puppy because he's not bouncing around and molesting people and other dogs. He does have quite the wild side though. :)
Just going to do a quick re-cap before bed. 5am comes early.
Zen's first day with me he rode a plane, met some people at the airport and rode about 10 escalators. Since it was my first time on a plane I don't get around airports very well and we did a lot of walking. We had to ride a bus back to the car and when we got there he was hand-fed his first meal while we watched planes take off. He slept the whole way home in his carrier except when I stopped at Taco Cabana. He felt I should share my food, but I didn't. His first night home he met Harley, then we made the drive to my house where he met Terra, my oldest dog. He wasn't quite sure about meeting other dogs yet, so Rumor and Carrie sniffed him through a covered crate. He slept the whole night through until we had to get up at 6am. Most of his meals have been spent learning his name, working the clicker, or getting used to enjoying the crate. He is pretty good at food dispensing toys.
The very next day, after I left for work Harley stopped by and picked him up. He spent the day at Harley's house just playing and hanging out. When I got off work we went to the Christmas parade. It was pretty crowded and Zen did really well. He mostly sat in my lap or was being held, but he met a few new people and saw lots of different things. The only part he wasn't thrilled about was when the drum-line came through. In his defense, they were LOUD! I do have video from the parade, but I will get it up as soon as I get time.
Saturday I had a few errands to run. (Getting dog food!) I took Zen along. He is getting really good about riding in the car. He just settles right in. He went with me into Tractor Supply and rode in the cart. He just sat on my jacket and took in the sights. Later on, he sat in the vehicle and slept while Harley and I ate lunch, then we took him into Bargain Depot. He again, got to ride in the cart and he was so well behaved. Harley thought we were going to get kicked out for bringing the dogs in but we didn't.
Sunday I took him out to the field with the girls to run and play. He mostly followed me while they fetched the chuck-it. He isn't real brave around bigger dogs yet. He is very appropriate though, keeps his space and doesn't offend them at all. He also got to visit
Deidra's for the first time. He met 3 of her dogs and spent almost the whole time napping! He must have been super tired, because we were loud and having fun. Jenn and Terry were there and so was Luke! Zen was oh-so-polite with all of them.
Today he got to go to
PetSmart for the first time. He walked on his own for most of it! He met a couple of other puppies there, they were about 2 months older than him and very bouncy. He didn't appreciate being bounced on, but he recovered very quickly and wasn't really bothered by it. He decided to just keep his distance and watch from beside Harley's leg.
He is really starting to tug with me and loves it. I have video of that too, and will post it later. He is quickly picking up "sit" with the clicker and he walked a whole lap and a half with us tonight. We worked up from half a lap to a whole lap, then added the other half tonight. The girls are getting used to him, so they still aren't loose together a whole lot, but I'm confident that will come soon.
Anyway, I will try to keep this updated frequently on things we are doing and what Zen is experiencing. It just seemed easier to put this on blogger than update my website so often.